Our Community

We meet every Sunday at the Chapel of York St. John University. We celebrate the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services in the English language.

The congregation is pan-Orthodox. We have many British members as well as those whose ‘home’ churches are Russian, Greek, Romanian, Antiochian, etc. In the spirit of the inter-Orthodox talks at Chambesy, Orthodox Christians of all jurisdictions are welcome.

We frequently have many visitors and enquirers into the Orthodox faith. If you are interested, please come and visit us on a Sunday morning or contact any of our clergy.

To find us, see the map of the university campus on which the chapel is marked.

The Community, under the direction of the archdiocese, has a policy for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. There are more details here.

The monthly calendar (see the link Saints & Readings above) lists the major saints commemorated on each day, including those for the British Isles, details of the appointed Bible readings for each day and a note on the fasting rules.

You may also wish to visit our Archdiocese website where you will find information and resources about the Orthodox Christian faith.